Sunday, July 10, 2011

T-34/76 Propaganda Modification

 This is DML's 1/35th T-34/76 1942 kit with a transmission from an unknown manufacturer and scratchbuilt speakers made from leftover parts and alluminum. I tried to depict one of the few T-34s that received armored loudspeakers to deplete German morale in the fall of 1944. These modifications were added in the field to the older T-34/76 tanks as the newer /85 variants arrived. The speakers themselves were made from scraps of plastic, and are now hidden by the armored cover. The fenders are from the Part photoetch set, and were soldered (with limited success) together. Because the kit's transmission cover is incorrect, I left it off the finished model. The tank was painted with acrylics and weathered with oils, pigments, and Vallejo paints.

 I built this model in the spring of 2009, and I really didn't know how to use pigments effectively. Therefore, the model looks relatively clean, with little sign of dirt or mud anywhere. I like looking at some of my older stuff to see where I'm making progress.
A close-up of the rear engine deck and transmission.

Original photo and inspiration

Here's the photo that inspired me. I didn't copy it exactly, but I think I came pretty close. Thanks for looking!

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